CBDO 2022

CBDO 2022
XXI Brazilian Colloquium on Orbital Dynamics
12 - 16 December 2022
National Institute of Space Research, INPE
São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil

Important News and Dates

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Invited Speakers

Final Program

Download here.

Attention: If there is a Brazil game on Wednesday Dec/14, the afternoon schedule of that day will be shifted to Tuesday Dec/13.

Virtual Posters

Check the virtual posters here.

Tides Course

Check the virtual slides here.

Abstracts Book

The book of abstracts containing the final program and presented abstracts can be downloaded here.

Attention: A printed copy of the first 20 pages of the book will be provided during the event.

Preparation of Posters and Slides

Instructions for oral presentations

Instructions for poster presentations


Registration opens on October 1, 2022.

To confirm your registration, you must send an email to xxicbdo2022@gmail.com attaching a copy of your payment voucher (a pdf file), and indicating your full name, category, and institution.
The registration will not be effective if the proof of your fee payment is not sent to the above e-mail. Participants from other countries can pay upon check-in at the event. Exceptionally in these cases, the fee prior to October 31 will be charged.

The receipts of payment will be delivered at the end of the event, along with the certificates of participation.


The Brazilian Colloquium on Orbital Dynamics will be held at the Laboratory of Integration and Tests - LIT, of the National Institute of Space Research - INPE
Avenida dos Astronautas 1758, Jardim da Granja
São José dos Campos/SP, Brazil, 12227010

Accommodation / Transport


There is a restaurant (ADC Cafeteria) next to the building where the CBDO will be held, with self-service at R$ 42,90 per kilo. The restaurant will remain open during the World Cup games with a TV for the fans.

Important Information

Past Colloquia

The Brazilian Colloquium on Orbital Dynamics (CBDO) has happened biannually since 1982. The first CBDO took place at the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica in July, 1982, and its organization was an initiative by Dr. Wagner Sessin. The event gathered researchers in Astronomy and Orbital Dynamics who were interested in problems of Pure and Applied Celestial Mechanics.

The first CBDO was entitled “Movimentos de Satélites Artificiais: Teoria, Determinação e Aplicações” (“Artificial Satellites Motions: Theory, Determination and Applications”) and was attended by 51 researchers and post-graduates from all over Brazil. It was followed by twenty editions of the Colloquium, four of which held at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), the venue of the 2022 edition. Besides the impressive growth in the number of works submitted for presentation at the CBDO, the number of participants has increased and so has the geographic reach of the event, which follows the dissemination of works on Astronomy and Space Activities in our country.

The participation of researchers from other countries has been occurring since 1984, and a full list of participants can be found at http://www.astro.iag.usp.br/~dinamica/historic.htm.



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